* Pdfnup, que permite que arquivos PDF possam ser "atarrachado" (juntado) semelhante a maneira que o psnup faz para arquivos Postscript.
* Pdfjoin, que concatena as páginas de múltiplos arquivos PDF juntos em um único arquivo
* Pdf90, que gira as páginas de um ou mais arquivos PDF através de 90 graus (anti-horário).
Em todos os casos, arquivos fontes são deixadas inalteradas.
Um inconveniente potencial destes serviços é que qualquer hyperlinks na fonte PDF são perdidos. Do lado positivo, não há sensível degradação da imagem da qualidade no processamento de arquivos PDF com programas thse, ao contrário de alguns outros métodos indiretos, tais como pdf2ps | psnup | ps2pdf (na experiência do autor). [Indiretos bastante melhor do que o método utilizado aqui seria filtros que trabalham diretamente com o PDF código, para produzir arquivos de saída com hyperlinks intactos.]
Estes instrumentos são concebidos para sistemas Unix-like, incluindo Mac OS X. Foi-me dito que pdfnup também trabalha bem em computadores com Windows e MikTeX o cygwin unix ferramentas; sei de nenhuma razão pdfjoin e pdf90 não deverá também trabalhar de forma que .
PDFjam O software é disponibilizado gratuitamente, sob GPL versão 2.
1. Um sistema operacional Unix-like (Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, etc)
2. Um grupo de trabalho, up-to-date instalação de pdfTeX (incluindo pdflatex e uma cópia atualizada do pdftex.def)
3. Um trabalho a instalação do pacote pdfpages LaTeX (versão 0.2e ou posterior)
PDFjam is a small collection of shell scripts which provide a simple interface to some of the functionality of the excellent pdfpages package (by Andreas Matthias) for pdfLaTeX. At present the utilities available are:
- pdfnup, which allows PDF files to be "n-upped" in roughly the way that psnup does for PostScript files.
- pdfjoin, which concatenates the pages of multiple PDF files together into a single file
- pdf90, which rotates the pages of one or more PDF files through 90 degrees (anti-clockwise).
In every case, source files are left unchanged.
A potential drawback of these utilities is that any hyperlinks in the source PDF are lost. On the positive side, there is no appreciable degradation of image quality in processing PDF files with thse programs, unlike some other indirect methods such as pdf2ps | psnup | ps2pdf (in the author's experience). [Better than the rather indirect approach taken here would be filters that work directly on the PDF code, to produce output files with hyperlinks intact.]
These tools are designed for Unix-like systems, including Mac OS X. I am told that pdfnup works fine also on Windows computers with MikTeX and the cygwin unix tools; I know of no reason why pdfjoin and pdf90 should not also work in that way.
An alternative set of PDF manipulation tools, which are java-based, is provided by the Multivalent project. They do much the same things as PDFjam, and quite a bit more. Hyperlinks don't seem to be preserved there either, though, when n-upping a document.
For Mac OS X, n-up with a more visual interface is provided by PDF Nup Maker. Like PDFjam, this is a front end to pdflatex/pdfpages.
The PDFjam software is made available free, under GPL version 2 (see the file named COPYING that is included with the package). It comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY of fitness for any purpose whatever.
- A Unix-like operating system (Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, etc.)
- A working, up-to-date installation of pdfTeX (including pdflatex and an up-to-date copy of pdftex.def)
- A working installation of the LaTeX package pdfpages (version 0.2e or later)
Download the shell scripts as pdfjam_1.20.tgz.
Eduard Bloch has kindly packaged PDFjam for Debian. Paul Chvostek has kindly made a port to FreeBSD. Pander has kindly provided a link to Ubuntu packages.
For Mac OS X droplets, see below.
PDFjam is a project at freshmeat: please subscribe there to receive update announcements.